If He Loved Me, He Should Know, RIGHT?
"If he loves me, he should know, right?" Hmmm, sound familiar?
Well, here's a little secret: men don't know. Men don't know or understand what women need or want. Men give women toasters - remember? It's not that they don't care or that they're not in love anymore. Men don't have a secret superpower that allows them to know what women are thinking magically.
Yet, since most women are abstract thinkers, they believe that what seems obvious to them should be obvious to everyone, which translates to the expectation that guys are supposed to know, get, and understand what women like, want, or need without ever communicating those desires.
For example, most women know that if they see that the kitchen trashcan is brimming to the top with trash, then it needs to be taken out - immediately. Now, believing that the guy sees the same thing and that he also knows it needs to be taken care of, yet he's not doing anything about it? Well, then that must mean he doesn't care, which isn't the case.
The fundamental issue is that most women get upset when men think and act like men, but men aren't supposed to be women. They're not supposed to act or think like women. And while many women get upset that men don't seem to understand them and that men don't express or communicate their own emotions as they do, when a guy does, he is often ridiculed for being weak and a wimp.
So how can a woman successfully tell a guy what she needs and wants from him? As Dragnet's Joe Friday says: "All we want are the facts, ma'am."
Yes, the facts. Men communicate. Men do it. Men talk to give information or to report facts. Men are logical and goal-oriented. If women need or want something, they need to communicate their wants and needs directly, which means now. Don't be coy, hint or play mind guessing games; be straight up and to the point. In other words, if communication is not direct, nothing will be heard, understood, or ever get done.
So the bottom line in all of this is that men are not mind readers. They're not capable of anticipating a woman's needs, wants, or desires. Again, this doesn't mean he no longer loves her. Men do want to give; they do - they just need to be told. If a woman tells a guy directly what she needs from him, the guy will be more than happy to deliver. The proof of a guy's love is not in his ability to read a woman's mind but in his response to her direct and articulated desires.
Are you trying to figure out how to tell a guy what you need? Give a call, and let's look at the situation from a psychic's point of view!