Why Men Buy Women Toaster
Most men like power tools and tinkering at their workbench. From their point of view, the kitchen is a woman’s “workbench.” Just like the latest power tool he’d like to add to his collection to make projects easier, he sees the latest “must have” kitchen gadget/appliance as something that will make working in the kitchen simpler.
So, basically a guy’s thought process is: “I know I’d like a new skill saw… what would she like? She spends so much time in the kitchen. I’ll show her how much I appreciate all that she does and get something to make things better for her. I don’t know anything about cooking, but the guy said this is the most expensive frying pan they have, so it must be good. I know she’ll like that. She also said something about the toaster. I’ll get her a of those, too… but only the best money can buy.” Simple, right?
Most women think in more abstract terms than men. And while most men like gadgets, most women like romance, pampering and things like lingerie. A frying pan and toaster, or any type of appliance (unless specifically asked for), really don’t fall into those categories. So, a women would see the guy’s gift as uncaring and selfish. Her thought process is: “Why would he buy me a frying pan? He got me this so I’ll cook more for him. It’s always about him. I should take this frying pan and hit him over the head with it.”
Even if a guy clarifies his reasoning, explaining that he wanted to get something to make her life more trouble-free, the women would probably still be disappointed. Why? He didn’t get her something romantic or pampering. Appliances aren’t lingerie. (Note: I’m not being sexist. Why do you think women buy men socks and underwear? Exactly.)
So the moral of the story: When it comes to gift buying, sometimes it’s best to ask the other person what they’d like or need, instead of assuming you know from your point of view. Also, if someone gives you a gift from their heart, simply say “thank-you.”